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Devin Rossiter
When you stand still, you'll only know what's coming once it's passed you by.
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Quizification: The Joy and Craft of Engaging Formative Questioning
Following my run on Jeopardy and subsequent appearances on other programs, I've had the opportunity to share my experience with educators...

The Jeopardy! Experience: A Story Told in Media
The week of November 2nd, 2020 was a whirlwind of conflict: a confluence of history, lifetime-long narratives, glory and heartbreak.

Three Underutilized Mathematical Language Routines
Newer curriculums are beginning to embed Mathematical Language Routines in their daily lesson plans. It may surprise educators that...

The Death of Scratch Paper: 5 Reasons Why the Modern Student Won't "Show Their Work"
I work with educators at my school site to ensure access to materials for success, and as far as physical assets are concerned, this can...
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